Company Information

President profile


NameJunichi Suzuki

BirthdayMay 1972(50 years old)

Origin of the name

Genesis chapter 2:5-6 _ Now no shrub had yet appeared on the earth and no plant had yet sprung up, for the Lord God had not sent rain on the earth and there was no one to work the ground, but streams[b] came up from the earth and watered the whole surface of the ground.


Bethel co.,ltd. President
BETHEL VIETNAM General Director

Family structureWife, 2 children, 3 cats

Thing of interest

Camera shooting
Watching soccer
Traveling the world with Google Earth

What I am obsessed with these days

To issue a management plan and make the company's management ideas known to all employees.

Influenced books

A woman's Life
The Max Strategy

Favorite words

Where there is a will there is a road
Don't rush to rest
Quesera sera

Future Dreams

Cooking in the company cafeteria and serving to employees
Start a chocolate shop


1992 Graduated from US high school
1999 Graduated from Columbia University Graduate School in the United States
(major in Applied Physics)

Joined Bethel in the same year
2000 Development of measuring instrument using laser
2008 Joint development of medical equipment with an American company
2013 Launched BETHEL VIETNAM in Vietnam
2016 Became president and representative director of Bethel Co., Ltd.

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